The state owned media can’t be relied on

Dear Editor,

I am reluctant to enter into the fray of press freedom, except to observe that there are several angles to this banal discrimination by the State against Stabroek News.

This breach of a basic democratic norm is unacceptable, however it appears to be part of a wider policy aimed at total control by the powers that be of every facet of our lives. This must be resisted peacefully by citizens.

Earlier I referred publicly to the undemocratic handling of city affairs, and could not agree more with the letter written by Robin Williams captioned “Freedom of the press is not just important to democracy, it is democracy”(07.02.09). What we now see is an assault on the pillars of democracy.

Allow me to add a little gravy to the plate of food.

The Chronicle, our only radio station, and the television station controlled by the party and State, have made Joseph Paul Goebbels – The Nazi German Minister of Propaganda, look like a saint. His policy was, if you repeat something often enough and ignore certain issues, the people will come to accept it as the gospel truth.

Two examples. Look at the way the state/party controlled media has so far avoided the Cricket World Cup brochure issue.

Second there is no explanation why the Chronicle newspaper did not publish the full page advertisement, even though they were in receipt of a cheque up front. So it could not be that money is the issue, when taking away ads from the Stabroek News.

For me, I say to all good Guyanese: if you wish to read the truth and find balance, pray do nor rely on the state controlled media.

Yours faithfully,

Hamilton Green, JP
