The behaviour of some people to animals is due to a state of mind

Dear Editor,

I am happy to note and give thanks to people who write letters on the ill-treatment and neglect of animals in our subculture, and it is heartening when readers respond in kind.

The key to changing the attitude of people’s mistreatment to animals is to not turn your face the other way, but to make a conscientious effort to understand the actions of such individuals. When abuse occurrences are noticeable we must reach out with empathy and dignity to gently counsel in an attempt to pinpoint that this wrong does not make it right.

The anti-social behaviour of people toward animals is a state of mind, what we think is what we are that connects illiteracy with poverty and desolation. Let us not criticize or pass judgment on these non-achievers but show goodwill by using role models in our society.

By humanely expressing good teachings of ethics to neighbours, associates and others that involuntarily cultivate habits of mistreating animals perhaps these very people could someday come to terms with their actions and realize that it was never the fault of the animal but their own.

It is harmful to the well-being of animals to endure constant mental and physical ill-treatment that will produce anger, fear and mistrust toward people. Also the dreadful conditions domestic animals live through coupled with an enormous lack of care is typical of some people.

Please be sympathetic to ‘stop and notice’ the tragic wrongs on the freedom of animals and answer the mercy call from your heart. You will have proven your full human potential.

Yours faithfully,

Zenobia Williams