In England there are traffic lights and speed cameras

Dear Editor,

Today I have read in your newspaper of the unfortunate child who was first knocked unconscious by a speeding motor cycle then crushed by a car and ultimately decapitated by a speeding minibus. I would like to extend my condolences to this grieving family. Every day someone is being knocked cold by these speeding idiots yet a gentleman by the name of Vidyanand Persaud is to write in his letter captioned “Traffic lights like pedestrian crossings may cause more accidents” (07.02.24) that Guya-nese motorists do not need regulation by traffic lights.

His arguments are laughable in the light of the road madness that is occurring everyday. He has made mention of some European countries moving away from traffic lights since it hinders rather than helps traffic flow. Well, I have been living in England for the past two years and I beg to differ. As a matter of fact in my journey from work to home which is about 30 miles, I would be faced with no less than 30 traffic lights. Also speed cameras are quite visible to ensure that you do not go above the required speed. And if that is not enough the government is speaking of installing black boxes in our cars which would be monitored by satellite to ensure that we never speed. So Master Persaud here is regulation for you.

I am quite sure that you are quite a nice gentleman but I do suspect you do not clearly understand the reason behind the road madness ie absence of regulation on our roads.

Yours faithfully,

Dr.Mark Devonish

Editor’s note

Knowing Mr (Master) Persaud as we do we believe there was a touch of irony in his letter.