The PNCR should have appointed Ann Ford

Dear Editor,

The national election is over. I must congratulate the winning party. Out of that election Region One has gained two parliamentarians, one for the PPP/C and the other for the PNC/R and two new councillors for the Alliance for Change.

The PNC/R decided to recycle one of their former parliamentarians who is a pensioner for that position. Mr Ricky Khan has resigned so that was a good chance to give someone else in the party an opportunity to experience that status, a person whose heart is with the people of region one. We do not want bench warmers, neither we do want persons who only take care of their relatives.

Mrs Ann Ford of Port Kaituma deserved that position.

The Alliance for Change did pretty well. They came in without any baggage and fought well with a limited amount of resources. I must compliment them. The only thing is they will have to work harder and do a lot of travelling and meet those who they did not reach before.

Yours faithfully,

Rochelle McPherson