Regional Administration donates equipment to our community

Dear Editor,

Regional Chairman of Re-gion Six Zulfikar Mustapha recently paid his first visit since being appointed Regional Chairman to our small village of Moleson Creek on the Corentyne. We the villagers expressed our concerns on issues which bothered us at the meetings. We discussed the condition of the main access road, which we use on a daily basis to transport our produce to the town for sale.

The main crops grown in Moleson Creek are cash crops and ground provisions. The chairman promised us that the road will be rehabilitated this year. Last year President Bharrat Jagdeo visited our community and more representations were made on behalf of residents of Moleson Creek. The Regional Administration of Region Six then handed over several pieces of machinery, totalling over $1m.

These items were one Stihl grass cutter, wheel barrow, gas stove, one Singer sewing machine, and a Stihl chain- saw.

We would like to assure the chairman of our commitment to take very good care of the equipment. The chairman noted that the next time he visits our community; he would like to see finished products as a result of us using the equipment.

We thank the Regional Chairman and his team, and look forward to more developmental works in the future.

Yours faithfully,

S. Singh