Only parallel parking should be allowed in this part of Water Street

Dear Editor,

This time of year usually causes a lot more shoppers to come out in the busy commercial section of Georgetown and of course, the need for vehicular parking increases. In the part of Water Street between Church and Bentick streets there exists a high degree of disorderliness mainly caused by the untidy manner in which vehicles are allowed to park.

Due to the absence of appropriate road markings, vehicles can be seen parked diagonally with too much of their rear end sticking out in the driving lane thus causing obstruction, and some-times making it difficult for drivers to pilot their vehicles through the traffic. Perpendicular parking seems to be a new trend. In both cases, vehicles will have to reverse into the oncoming traffic, and this in itself can be a recipe for disaster.

It is my opinion that this section of Water Street be given the same order like what was done to Regent Street, whereby only parallel parking is allowed. I trust that our Commissioner of Police, in his desire to see order restored to our streets, would take some action to rectify this situation.

Yours faithfully,

Sterling de Lima