Give the pensioners an increase

Dear Editor,

In 2005 government workers got an increase in their salaries. In 2006 again workers got another increase in their salaries. But government pensioners were not given similar increases in their pensions.

I visited a pay office for the government pensioners and the first thing that struck me was that these retired workers who carried this nation for over thirty or forty years could not afford new and fancy clothes. The clothes they had on were very clean and neat but were ‘old’ clothes, clothes they had for years.

When I saw the pittance they were ‘drawing’ or receiving, I was really puzzled. How can they live on those crumbs; when a Minister of this government is receiving over three hundred thousand dollars of taxpayers’ money per month?

Please give the percentage increases for pensioners of GTU for 2005, 2006 and 2007 so every one can see and understand the discrimination meted out to our senior folks.

Yours faithfully,

Ronald Budram