Works ministry in $43M sprucing-up campaign

The Public Works Ministry has embarked on a $43M sprucing-up campaign for Carifesta which includes capturing stray animals, targeting errant scrap metal dealers and clamping down on drivers who park erratically along the city streets.

Painting up for Carifesta at the Stabroek Market on Wednesday
Painting up for Carifesta at the Stabroek Market on Wednesday

Minister Robeson Benn said on Wednesday that the exercise also includes painting bridges and refurbishing street lamps in several parts of the city including the Stabroek Market. Road repairs are also slated to be done even though the programme is three weeks behind due to the inclement weather conditions.

Benn said too the ministry plans to start impounding stray cattle some of which will be held in an area near to the Municipal Abattoir. The ministry is also targeting scrap metal dealers from the East Coast and East Bank who conduct business along the roadways. Benn said the ministry would be paying strict attention to this practice and dealers who infringe on the roadways or government reserves would be forced to move; especially those that pose a traffic hazard.

The ministry also plans to meet with the minibus association to discuss self regulation and encouraging safer parking in assigned parking areas. In keeping with this the ministry plans to buy wheel clamps as a measure to curb errant motorists. It also plans to collaborate with the Mayor and City Council to meet with vendors.

Getting all the corners! A stall being cleaned at the Stabroek Market on Wednesday.
Getting all the corners! A stall being cleaned at the Stabroek Market on Wednesday.