Use Deepavali to move from darkness to light – Dharmic Sabha

The Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha said devotees should use the festival of Deepavali to redeem themselves from “the darkness of ignorance to the emergence of the light of pure consciousness.”

In a press release, the Sabha’s president Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud said Deepavali is rooted in its scriptures. He said the festival has its origin in Vedic times where Lakshmi was described as abundance and fortune, making the festival a time for Lakshmi puja. He said too Lakshmi Devi is eternal light and devotees seek her “divine grace so that they can fuse with that light.”

The festival covers five days of observance beginning on the 13th day of the dark half of Kartik when a single diya is lit and dedicated to Yama with a special prayer of longevity.

Persaud said many devotees believe that Deepavali coincides with the return of Lord Rama from Banbas, which is erroneous. In an attempt to put the festival in proper perspective he said Lord Rama returned in Viashak in May and Kartik is between October and November each year. He said the explanation is intended to help devotees “to celebrate the loveliest of our festivals with better understanding and appreciation.”