The people must keep protesting for better security

Dear Editor,

The massacre of eleven innocent people in Lusignan is beyond belief. I cannot imagine how the inconsolable residents can go on living in fear, knowing there are criminals who can march into their streets freely, kick their doors down, and slaughter them and the police, army and government, seem helpless at protecting them. How does one make sense of this situation?

I want to encourage the people on the East Coast to keep up the pressure on the government. Keep holding demonstrations daily, take your protest to the Office of the President, Police Headquarters, encourage your Afro-Guyanese brothers, most of whom are equally outraged and dumbfounded by this massacre, to join you in putting pressure on the Jagdeo administration and the head of the police and Ministry of Home Affairs, to find these criminals. It is not enough for the President to say “we will hunt them down”. That was what he said when Minister Sawh and his family were slaughtered. Did they find any of the killers? No! When are they going to?

Also, the minister of home affairs and the head of the police department need to give people an explanation as to why it took the police hours to show up. This kind of incompetence must not be allowed to go on. The people have had enough. Visits to the villages by members of the government are not enough. It is time to do something! And how dare the soldiers slap the protesters and kick them! Is it not embarrassing enough that they have allowed this band of criminals to go free for so long? The people who have been kicked, slapped, punched and gun-butted should press charges!

Maybe it is time for President Jagdeo to go because it appears his administration has no clue of what the criminals are capable of, and his police chief and head of the army seem unwilling to take charge of this situation. The government better come to its senses and get the criminals.

To the protesters I say again, keep the pressure up until they get them.

Yours faithfully,

Mohan Singh