The Berbice ferry will stimulate agricultural activity

Dear Editor,

I was pleased to read that the Berbice River ferry service will be resumed before year-end.(SN, 27.5.08) This service will be a great boost to both small and large farmers along this river and will be the catalyst for renewed agricultural and other economic activities.

For example, the Brandwagt/Sari project, which has some of the most fertile lands anywhere in Guyana, failed mainly because of the high market to farm costs.
The government should ensure that stellings are built and/or upgraded along the river and a system of flagging the steamer down by farmers at specific points who have produce to be transported, introduced. The ferry stops, including Brandwagt/Sari, should be, but not limited to,  Torani, Sand Hills and Ebini before Kwakwani.

And finally the largest boost would be to the Intermediate Savannahs where the high cost of transportation has been the greatest hindrance to the development of this unused prize in Guyana.

Yours faithfully,
Edward G Thompson