Can’t something be done about speeding minibuses?

Dear Editor,

I am a frequent reader of your papers and reside abroad. I am at present in Guyana on vacation  staying on Aubrey Barker Road. Three things have got me worked up since I am back: the garbage, the parking chaos in downtown Georgetown, and the minibus death traps.

Every morning I am disturbed out of my bed by passing, speeding minibuses; they must be going close to 120kph on Aubrey Barker Road and you would think that they are at the Indy 500. These buses are packed way past their limit. Even on rainy days you can hear them going at the same speed. What is really going on in this country that we have a public transportation system with drivers who have no respect for the lives of their customers?

One evening I had the experience of travelling in a minibus coming down the East Bank Road.  The driver handled the bus as if he were a plane taking off on a runway. Everyone in the bus was silent as if they were immune to it. After speaking up, then some other folks started to voice their opinion and objected to the way the driver was driving.

The next morning I was awaken from my sleep again as minibuses flew past my house. Even if you are two corners away you can hear the engines on these buses singing. In the nice cool afternoons that make Guyana a paradise to just sit on your porch or verandah, you will have the buses doing all kinds of stunts as you entertain friends. This needs to change. I hope the authorities do something about it.

The garbage situation and parking in Georgetown are also shameless. Why don’t they address the garbage problem and create some kind of a parking system so visitors don’t have to park on Croal Street to visit Regent street. Shame on you city council and Hamilton Green.

Yours faithfully
Collin Macall