It is possible to have well-supported events without selling alcohol

Dear Editor,

At long last, the Government of Guyana, or at least the Ministry of Health seems to have recognised the contribution which alcohol use makes to increase levels of domestic violence and road accidents. The Minister of Health has reinforced these linkages in recent public statements. In one report of Kaieteur News on June 23, 2008, the Minister called for advocacy for the banning of ads for alcohol.

Alcohol use in Guyana is one of the cultural patterns which is reinforced directly by advertising aimed at specific groups through promotional events, and through an ingrained cultural acceptance which is reinforced through availability at public functions, family gatherings and various other events.

There are advertisements for a PPP/PYO barbecue set for the weekend of July 5 on the radio, and the ads talk about a well-stocked bar. The next thing the Minister of Health could do is to negotiate with the PPP/PYO to ensure that the well-stocked bar does not include alcoholic drinks. Organisations like the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha and the Indian Arrival Committee have shown that it is possible to have well-supported events without selling alcohol. This would be the kind of action which many politicians call for to start the change to make our society a better one.

Yours faithfully,
Vidyaratha Kissoon