Letter writers should exercise restraint

Dear Editor,

It was unfortunate to see that two rebuttals to my recent comments – the latter rebuttal being more of a personal attack – were published by an entity that was not privileged to receive any of my comments previously published by the Guyana Chronicle and Stabroek News.  This could only lead me to the perceived conclusion that such actions are considered as a ‘Johnny come lately.’

The letter column should be a forum for healthy, intelligent, and objective dialogue to bring about more awareness and constructive change.  It should not be used for unsolicited and wanton attacks on individuals, regardless of point of view.  Engaging in such is sensationalism and is reserved for the tabloids.
Restraint must be exercised by us letter writers to avoid succumbing to melees and it is the newspaper’s responsibility to ensure that the rules of decorum are upheld.

Yours faithfully,
Pastor Daniel Singh