‘Two beers’ is two too many

Dear Editor,
Two beers are too much. Allowing persons to drink and drive is an indication that our government has given up and that they are incapable of making sound decisions. First it was don’t drink and drive and now it’s permissible to drink two beers and drive.
It was challenging to get persons to stop drinking and driving. It will be a tougher task to get people to stop drinking and driving, by allowing them to consume two beers. By legalising ‘two beers’ we are actually legalising road accidents, injury and loss of lives.

The problem with many of us is that we don’t know what moderation is. Licence to drink and drive is licence to drive and kill.
Those who argue that drunkenness is what is condemned and not the drinking of alcohol should note that in some states in the US and in some countries, .05% of alcohol in the blood makes one legally drunk.

Less than 1% of alcohol begins the process which loosens inhibitions, weakens self-control and will power, impairs judgement, disturbs balance, brings loss of colour and distance perception and many other things controlled by the brain.
It is true that some accidents are caused by animals but not all. By allowing persons to drink and drive, accidents will become inevitable.

Our government should seek to implement laws which prevent the problem rather than try to restrict the problem.
Let’s deal with the roots and not just the shoots. No drinking and driving.
Yours faithfully,
Navindo Tinsarran