Why does Hillary have to be on the ticket before ‘Guyanese’ will vote for Obama?

Dear Editor,
I’m perpetually amazed at how Mr Vishnu Bisram could bring himself to write letters like the one he wrote entitled, ‘A great speech from Hillary Clinton.’ We all know Mr Bisram is a foremost cheerleader for Hillary Clinton, but this one tops them all. “Hillary gave the best speech they had ever heard,” was one of the comments he was told by “many Guyanese” (Where? In Guyana or the US?); “a perfect speech,” is how he characterized it. The speech was ok and served its purpose of trying to create a sense of unity with the presidential nominee Mr Barack Obama, but the best speech ever? That is a very humorous assertion.

Mr Bisram went one to tell us that the ‘Guyanese’ he spoke with insisted that Obama should have selected Hillary as the vice-presidential candidate and they would not be voting in November because of this judgmental lapse on Obama’s part.

This is comical stuff and crying over spilt milk is pitiful. I really hope they change their minds and not lend to a McCain victory. Would you ask your ‘Guyanese’ poll sample, Mr Bisram, what the differences are between Clinton and Biden?

Why does Hillary have to be on the ticket for them to vote for Obama? And what is the rationale for them when it comes to voting? Is it for an individual (Hillary) or for the country and their personal welfare?

Finally, Obama’s poll numbers would not climb over the next week because of Hillary’s “perfect” speech, but rather, as is customary, from the media hype and coverage of the Convention.
Yours faithfully,
Clinton Urling