Hinduism in Guyana must free itself from all political control

Dear Editor,
Can anyone imagine a national Easter committee without the representation of Christians and Christian organizations?  Can anyone imagine a national Eid committee without the representation of Muslims and Muslim organizations?

But the Hindus have been bought and paid for so there can be a “National Divali Committee” without the representation of Hindus or that of a single Hindu organization, major or minor.

As a matter of fact, not to talk of Hindu representation, this committee has disdainfully brushed aside the unanimous voice and concern of all the Hindu organizations in the land.

If it must be reiterated that, in case the members of the “National Divali Committee” haven’t noticed, Divali is a Hindu observation which makes it religious celebration.   Its centre is the puja (worship) of the Mother of the Universe in Her aspect as the Remover of Darkness.
If puja is the central action then the diya – light – is the principal symbol.  The diya as we know is the most ubiquitous and the most potent religious symbol in Hinduism worship.  It beckons us to transform our lives, from darkness and ignorance to light and knowledge, nay to be the light.
The “National Divali Committee” is never tired of claiming that it is not a religious organization, and its pageant is, of course, not a religious activity.  Yet this entity unscrupulously uses the name divali for itself and displays the sacred diya in its advertisements.  Such wanton disrespect for a major segment of the population and such deviousness has rarely been seen in public life in Guyana.

The IAC has informed the nation that it had to consult, and rightly so, with Muslim leadership in Guyana in planning its Lusignan Eid Fest. Did any such consultation take place with Hindu leaders and organizations?

Obviously the IAC doesn’t think consulting Hindus was necessary since in its release (Guyana Chronicle 4.10.08) supporting the pageant it mysteriously and inscrutably divined that the proposed Divali Sari/Queen Pageant “will not offend the sensitivities of our Hindus brothers and sisters.”  Matter closed.  No need for Hindus to speak for themselves.

For all Hindus the pertinent question should be: How is it possible to have the non-Hindu IAC and the non-Hindu “National Divali Committee” to pronounce on what is appropriate for Hindus?  Why are the concerns of Hindus so contemptuously dismissed?

Over the years we have watched the gradual erosion of the boundary between the politics and religion as far as Hindus are concerned.  We see this most clearly in the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha, which boasts of being the largest Hindu organization and voice for Hindus but whose religion was always subservient to its politics.  Surely there are prominent Muslim and Christian entities in Guyana that also have their political leaning but they have never completely abdicated their religious autonomy.  We are responsible for our own degradation.

So, as in the case of the dishonouring of Draupadi in the assembly of the Kauravas when leaders like Bhishma and Drona remained silent because they had “eaten Duryodhana’s salt” and the helplessness of the Pandavas because they were outfoxed by a technicality, today we are forced to witness the rape of Lakshmi and there is little we can do.

But even though activities such as this blatantly anti-Hindu pageant threaten to drag us into the abyss of degradation let us hold steadfast to the symbol of light and hope and continue the struggle for values.  Hinduism is not for sale.

If Hinduism is to fulfil its mission in Guyana and to bestow its blessings on this nation for the good of all, it must free itself from all political control.  Then and only then will it be able to speak with a voice of integrity, and then and only then will such travesty as the one being forced on us now be successfully challenged and thwarted.
Yours faithfully,
Swami Aksharananda