A leader needs to have vision

Dear Editor,
It is with much amusement I read a letter to the editor by Ms Tandica Todd suggesting Mr R. Corbin as the “only viable leader.” (SN, 12.11.08). Maybe to her he is, to me he epitomises incompetence. Anyone who is living in this country sees and understands much to the contrary. The PNC under the current leadership is bereft of ideas and has nothing to offer its “constitutency,” much less the young people of this country. This organisation limps along on press conferences with common script personalities, often times incapable of narrating the scripts provided.

Ms Todd uses words like ‘experience,’ ‘knowledge’ and ‘vision’ to underscore her recommendation. Experience and knowledge maybe, visionary, never was and never will be. Recent events in the USA debunk the notion of experience as a major prerequisite, but reinforce the need for a leader with aptitude, integrity and yes, vision.

My advice to the young men and women of this dear land, is to stay in school and commit yourselves to your personal development, which will inevitably lead to our national development.  Please allow those like Ms Todd to continue in their slumber.
Yours faithfully,
Colin Marks