The gods are angry

Dear Editor.
Because of the pain being inflicted on him by the GPL Brother Roshan Khan asked, “What are the gods doing to us now?” Well Mr Khan, I think that the gods are angry. In fact some people say that the gods must be crazy. Others say that the gods are vexed, they are irate and furious, but for me the gods are simply angry.

The gods can become angry with us collectively or individually.
The gods are angry because through murder, the land is saturated with blood. In recent times we have witnessed murders and other forms of violent crime unheard of before. We have seen brother killing brother, father killing son, son wounding mother and mother-in-law, husband killing wife, and so on.

The gods are angry because this is a time when some people take pleasure in doing evil instead of good. The gods are angry because there are too many unsolved crimes and we are constantly told that investigations are continuing.
The gods are angry because sexual immorality has become pervasive. For example, carnal knowledge, rape, incest and pornography are now fashionable. The gods are angry because some people deliberately choose to exploit others through cheap labour. They employ people, pay them starvation wages, refuse to pay NIS, income tax and corporation tax, then turn around and lambaste the state and state agencies for inefficiencies.

In essence Sir, the gods are angry because we seem to have become too ungodly. Finally, the gods are angry because some of us when we acquire a little wealth begin to behave as if we are God himself.
Only when we begin to humble ourselves and live in keeping with God’s prescriptions, then will the anger of the gods subside.
Yours faithfully,
Francis Carryl