Certain individuals and agencies should be recognised with awards

Dear Editor,
Civil society has made significant contributions in many areas and many times we don’t always seem to remember them. It would be a joy to learn of some special awards handed out to some persons and agencies for their sterling efforts.
My nominees are as follows:

Diane McTurk: Her life-long commitment to caring for orphaned giant otters;
Eileen Cox: Educator on consumer affairs;

Camille Marcus: Rescued three persons during the Pomeroon River mishap in 1999;
Julie Lewis: Physically challenged journalist who is an inspiration;

Bernice Perreira: Aircraft survivor who was courageous in her journey for survival with her baby through the dense forest;
Iwokrama:  Its commitment to forest conservation;

USAID and VSO volunteers: Educators who make a difference to people in the very remote and rural areas of Guyana;
Shell Beach Adventures:  Its dedication towards turtle conservation;

Gary Serrao: His dedication to preserving Guyana’s historical artifacts and history;
The local health and teaching professions.
Yours faithfully,
T. Pemberton