Advice on canine leptospirosis

Dear Editor,

The Ministry of Health (MOH), via its health care workers and no less than the Minister himself, has educated citizens about the threat of leptospirosis, especially during the rainy season.

The Guyana Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, (GSPCA) is taking the Ministry of Health’s lead, and is hereby alerting dog owners about leptospirosis which is a perennial threat to their canine companion animals.
Infection takes place commonly when there is contact between infected urine and (i) the animal’s skin (especially if there is an open wound or bruise), (ii) the membranes covering the mouth, the eyes and nostrils. Usually, the infection sources are rodent urine and saliva, especially if the animal ingests contaminated water and food.

Dogs of all ages and of both genders may be infected and affected. At the onset of the ailment, the dogs will exhibit non specific signs of fever, lethargy, a loss of appetite and generalized pain.  A few days later, the dogs begin to vomit and have diarrhoea with the attendant dehydration (if you pull up a fold of skin above the rib cage, the skin goes slowly back to its original place). The skin begins to take on a yellowish hue (icterus) – easily visible on the inside of the ear flap, on the underbelly, in the whites of the eyes, and on the gums. In fact, the degree of yellowness often is indicative of the severity of the disease. (I have never encountered leptospirosis in cats.)

Your veterinarian will advise you on the course of action. Clearly, the first steps would be to counteract the symptoms. If the animal is dehydrated, the focus must be on rehydration (use of oral rehydration salts, etc). Your vet will introduce (or advise you on) a therapeutic regime to contain the vomiting, depression and diarrhoea, etc. if you can’t visit the vet’s clinic, you may call him/her or the GSPCA (226-4237) for advice.
The drug of choice for the battle with the leptospira germ is one of the tetracyclines − doxycycline if easily available seems to work best. Your vet will advise you about the dosage.

Isolate any sick looking animal from the rest of the litter or group of adult dogs, and seek professional assistance. This will help prevent other animals from getting sick.

Vaccinate! Vaccinate! Vaccinate! This can be administered to the puppy at six (6) weeks of age.

Use the vaccine that protects against four types of the leptospira germs which attack pups most.
The GSPCA’s advice line is 226-4237.

The Ministry of Agriculture and/or the Guyana Veterinary Association will probably issue releases on leptospirosis in livestock.

Canine leptospirosis is one of the few diseases which humans can contract from dogs. Any ailing animal, especially one that is exhibiting the symptoms described above, should be isolated as much as possible from human contact.

Yours faithfully,
Dr RS Surujbally, AA
Committee Member