Cabinet Attendant or Hotline Porter?

Dear Editor,

As discussion of the annual budget 2009 is in train, it seemed useful to review aspects of the 2008 effort. Interestingly enough, the perusal revealed a few thought-provoking and even titillating bits of information.

For those who are not familiar with the Public Service structure, there are officially fourteen salary grades, the lowest being Grade 1 and the highest Grade 14. Amongst that range it struck me that Grade 2 jobs listed below should have a wide range appeal to your readers. For the fun of it I have tried a non-scientific categorisation.

Nevertheless some job holders may wonder how come their jobs are ranked as low as some others.

●  Try the following:

●  Hospital Porter

●  Senior Hospital Porter

●  Hotline Porter

●  Senior Laundress

●  Senior Ward Maid

●  Mortuary Maid

●  Hospital Gateman, and

●  Ward Orderly

All of the above are on the same Grade 2 salary scale as the Orthopaedic Technician Trainee and the Analytical Technical Assistant Trainee.

When it comes to ‘Assistants’ check out this sample:

●  Electrical Assistant

●  Senior Office Assistant

●  Book Repair Assistant

●  Agricultural Statistical Assistant

●  Laboratory Assistant

●  Research Assistant

●  Pharmacy Assistant

But before we get to the real funny part just take a look at the following array of Clerks:

●  Registration Clerk

●  Purchasing Clerk

●  Accounts Clerk

●  Clerk II (General)

●  Filing Room Clerk

●  Typist/Clerk I/II

●  Clerk/Stenographer I

●  Licensing Clerk I

●  Data Clerk

●  Customs Clerk

●  Delivery Clerk

●  Box Office Clerk

●  Statistical Clerk II

Has anyone really tried comparing the content of these varied jobs, none of which are to be confused with Stores Clerk I & II, Stores Clerk/Expeditor and Supply Expeditor!

Happily to say, the next grouping of jobs is quite identifiable, as most of the titles clearly specify the work station, in some cases without any hope of transfer, except in the case of Hospital Attendant being made Outpatient Attendant. That’s when the management has lost patience with the former.

No such options for the Fish Station Attendant, He definitely has no chance of becoming a Cabinet Attendant for example. The closest aspirant to such a position may be the Vault Attendant, who likely may have to compete with a Personal Attendant − which leaves the Voucher Room Attendant where he is − ignored.

Personally I would settle for being a VIP Lounge Attendant. The position at least offers the possibility of a dignified exit.

Yours faithfully,
E B John