We should stop importing styrofoam

Dear Editor,

Every time there is a flood, it is followed by a flood of excuses, such as there were blockages of kokers, culverts, drains, trenches, etc, by styrofoam boxes, plastic bottles, tyres, plastic cups and bags. This has been the trend, and it will go on unless action is effected.

The fines for littering have been increased, the city council employs city constables, yet there is littering and litter every minute of the day in each street of this city. The by-laws have to be enforced in a sustainable manner. Taxpayers are paying for a service which is not being delivered and they are suffering as a result.

But while the constables and other law enforcement agencies are enforcing the by-laws, the authorities need to address the continued importation of styrofoam containers, plastic cups, etc, and give consideration to a plastics recycling plant. The recycling of plastic bottles is a lucrative business in Barbados.

Guyana is lagging behind and needs to be pro-active. At present we are only reacting.

If we cease importing these foam containers a number of local businessmen are ready to fill the breach with paper containers which are bio-degradable.

However, the need to enforce the by-laws can never be over-emphasized.

Yours faithfully,
D Singh