Credit is due to Elmo Mayer

Dear Editor,
I refer to  Mr Malcolm Alli’s letter (Stabroek News May 2 titled ‘Town Clerk Elmo Mayer conceived the Liliendaal Pump Station Project.’

First, Mr Malcolm Alli’s experience, knowledge and sense of nationalism, if properly utilized by the state will be of significant benefit to our country. I hope and pray that the powers that be recognize that it is in their and the nation’s interest to not ignore the storehouse of knowledge that resides with patriots such as Mr Alli. I compliment him for his letter as I did earlier, on the one from Mr Sohan. The public and our youths in particular are now better informed.

Second, Town Clerk Elmo Mayer is a man I held  in the highest of esteem and regretted his demise a few months ago. Apart from our official contact Elmo Mayer was a personal family friend, much beloved and respected by us all. Nothing I say would in anyway try to diminish the stature of this great man. Only recently, I referred to him as the most competent and honest Town Clerk in the history of the Georgetown municipality.

Third, on the Downer Canal, I share Mr Alli’s recollection.  I am jogging my memory and the records to ascertain how this canal derived its name. Mr Alli may be correct – except to say this, it is an indictment of all of us, that after a mere three decades, our records do not tell the whole story. I earlier asked the officer at City Hall under whose portfolio this type of work falls, to advise.

Finally, the second paragraph of Mr Alli’s letter has a not insignificant error, which I wish to correct. It says that my earlier letter noted as follows: “The Liliendaal Pump Station was carried out under his (Green’s) ministerial stewardship when the PNC was in power in 1976.” This is not correct, since my letter said this: “while holding ministerial office in 1976…” quite a different formulation and imagery to stewardship and the PNC in power. It was an activity all concerned Cabinet members followed with keen interest.

Please note, even though directly related, the canal and pump stations are separate structures.
Credit is due to Elmo Mayer, the public officer who entertained this important project.
Yours faithfully,
Hamilton Green JP