The efforts of Guyana’s nurses are appreciated

Dear Editor,

Observing Nurses’ Week has been an annual pleasure for me for over fifty years.

Fifty-two years ago I made personal contact with two nurses in England when I underwent a tonsillectomy. TLC was dispensed to me by these two angels, perhaps the progeny of Florence Nightin-gale.

Oh yes, I do indeed hear the unenlightened garbage disseminated about our Guyanese nurses, but it is rubbish. What are we contributing to the pockets, purses, bank accounts and morale of these angels of mercy? I say nothing of substance.

Once every month I attend a clinic at the GPH. I need tell you nothing of the overcrowding, the waiting, the arguments, the quarrels and complaints. If GPH is understaffed, over-burdened with tertiary patients, etc, etc, what does the public expect but long waiting periods and some discomfort?

Guyana, let me tell you, having free medical services, free medication and free humane services from all our nurses is like hitting the lottery jackpot twenty-four hours daily.

Hug your nurses; give them small gifts, a few words of encouragement and then be quiet.

The stalwart efforts of Guyana’s nurses are deeply appreciated by this writer. Thank you all.

Yours faithfully,
George L. Munroe
Executive Member
Canadian College of Health
Service Executives
CEO (rtd) GPHC