Small music sets can still make a big noise

Dear Editor,
I refer to the letter written by Mr MS Baksh about noise in the minibuses published in your June 1 edition (‘Loud music in buses is back’). You see there are a lot of laws around, but enforcing them is a different thing, eg, the laws about branding animals, keeping them off the streets, keeping the pavement for pedestrians, etc.

Well in the case of one of the most recent laws passed in Parliament, every legislator voted in favour of stopping music in public transport. However the Home Affairs Minister, knowing that it would be difficult to enforce found a way out when he permitted minibus operators to keep small music sets. However, present-day electronic equipment does not have to be big to make a big noise
One other thing: Mr Ganesh Singh in his letter of June 2 in SN said his Mother’s Day card to his mother posted to Canada in the first week of April is still stuck in Trinidad with all the other mail from Guyana for that destination.

My God! In this year 2009 letters sent overseas from Guyana still cannot reach the destination two months after posting! I am certain if Sir Walter Ralegh had sent a letter from Guiana to England it would have arrived in less than two months. Whatever happened to the agreement that said international carriers cannot refuse mail?
Yours faithfully,
Wendell P George