Chicken farm causing discomfort to Success residents

Dear Editor,
Some time ago I wrote a letter to you about a chicken farm in Success. However, we are still faced with the same disgusting stench.
A resident utilises his whole back yard for chicken farming and continues to have his chicken pen smelling, which is very hazardous for us.
Two persons went to Success inquiring about the pen and the discomfort it causes in the neighbourhood. After that visit the smell eased for about two weeks, but now it is back again.

We are pleading with the relevant authority to make regular check-ups with this chicken farm, since the residents in the area are unable to speak to the owner. We also would like the media to go into the village and investigate the issue.
Yours faithfully,
(Name and address
Editor’s note
We are sending a copy of this letter to Dr Indarjit Ramdass, Head of the Environmental Protection Agency for any comments he might wish to make.