Proof and faith

Dear Editor,
I refer to Dr Ian McDonald’s column, ‘I try my best to believe’ (Sunday Stabroek, December 20).

The Bible doesn’t seek to prove the existence of God. It simply states as a matter of fact, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” If he wants conclusive scientific proof of his existence, I’m afraid he will have to look elsewhere: in the writings of Prof Richard Dawkins, perhaps? He proves the matter quite well.

The stark diversity of life on earth, from the microbes who live near the exceedingly hot sulphuric vents of the dark oceanic floors to adult penguins who survive the exceedingly bitter cold of Antarctica; from viruses whose virulence destroy the human immune system in order to multiply to human beings whose hands have stretched even into outer space in contemplation of their destiny… it is remarkable that after 4.5 billion years (as they say), amongst all the planets of the solar system, earth alone teems with living things.

Life does not seem to have any pre-condition for existence, either. Why? The microbes at the bottom of the sea do not live on plant food. And bacteria are quite happy to grow in the stomach or live on dead matter in the grave. Cacti thrive in the desert; and whales know nothing but the watery blue of the ocean, as wonder of wonders, mammals!

Life itself does not spontaneously grow from non-living matter. They made some breakthrough earlier this year about a primitive RNA bit, but the honest researchers frustratingly admitted to guiding the whole process. After 4.5 billion years (as they say), we are all alone astounded by our utter loneliness in the midst of the teeming company of good things and evil, of beauty and ugliness, of joy and pain, of honesty and hypocrisy, of wisdom and foolishness.

Then God said, “Because you … ate from the tree about which I commanded you… By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.”

For which reason Richard Dawkins opened up his mouth and spoke saying, “Behold your god, you who have turned away from the Creator!” And he showed them a monkey, “Your cousin, the child of the blind watchmaker.” And all the people clapped their hands and rejoiced exceedingly, for they needed a god seeing they had none and could not understand how they came to be… so utterly alone after so long a time, 4.5 billion years… as they say.

Yours faithfully,
Mark AC Blair