New colon cancer test works without colonoscopy

WASHINGTON,  (Reuters) – A new kind of test that  finds evidence of colon cancer in the stool can also detect  pre-cancerous growths, and could potentially be an alternative  to colonoscopies, researchers reported yesterday.

Exact Sciences’ new test detected 87 percent of stage I, II  and III colon tumors, which can be surgically removed, and  found 64 percent of the biggest pre-cancerous growths, the  researchers told a meeting of the American Association for  Cancer Research.

It finds altered DNA that has either turned a cell  cancerous, or has started the changes that lead to cancer.

“The noninvasive stool DNA test we have developed is simple  for patients, involves no diet or medication restriction, no  unpleasant bowel preparation, and no lost work time, as it can  be done from home,” said Dr. David Ahlquist of the Mayo Clinic  in Rochester, Minnesota, who developed the test.

“Positive tests results would be followed up with  colonoscopy.”

Mayo has licensed the test to Exact Sciences, which  believes it has the potential to reach sales of $1 billion in  the United States alone.

Exact Sciences’ shares were up 0.22 percent when trading  restarted after the news was announced after midday, at $2.63 a  share.

The test looks for three genes that have been altered in a  process called methylation.

Colorectal tumors develop in the lining of the colon and in  the rectum. As fecal matter passed through the tract, it  collects some cells from these growths. The test can find even  tiny amounts of altered DNA from these growths in a stool  sample.

Studies of 1,100 patients showed the test detected 64  percent of precancerous growths called adenomas that were  bigger than 1 cm (0.4 inch), which is considered the size most  likely to turn into a tumor.