Georgetown needs garbage bins

Dear Editor,

I am distraught hearing the ridiculous and one-sided comments of persons all over the media about littering. I hate to hear people chattering clumsily about littering in Georgetown, that used to be championed as the Garden City, and is now popularly referred to as the ‘Garbage City.’

People who are true citizens of Georgetown can tell you that it is impossible to find bins in the capital. If I want to dispose of a bottle after enjoying a refreshing drink, I am faced with the formidable challenge of finding a bin to dispose of this and any other refuse in a sanitary manner.

I recommend that our people stop the clamour about cleaning up the city and begin installing garbage bins at strategic points. When this is done, and people are still not using them, then it would be wise to charge people and fine them for the offences.

Yours faithfully,
Ranfred Williams