Suggestion was that all reports to police of domestic violence should be sent to a central point

Dear Editor,

I should like to thank SN for publicizing the very agonizing issue of domestic violence and the wanton murder of women by their husbands. This distressing violence is not going to go away unless the government does more to stop it. And it can do so at little cost.

I am aware that the minister is deeply concerned about domestic violence and will do whatever is possible to reduce it. But I did not propose the impractical and costly effort of deploying ministry personnel in communities. I merely suggested that all reports to the police of domestic violence should be sent to a central point where they can be accessed by ministry officials who can then decide where intervention is warranted.

This will require some organizational effort and a cost would be attached to it. But it would be manageable.

But I have no experience in these matters. My idea might be unworkable. What is necessary is that the people who are qualified and experienced in this area of work should get together to determine how best to advance the work on the reduction of domestic violence to a higher level.

I am convinced that the engagement of civil society in this task will be very productive. In fact, it might be an area where civil society can be more effective than government.

But it would need government help and support. Now that the minister’s onerous burden of piloting the legislation on sexual offences in the National Assembly is over, hopefully she will be able to devote some detailed attention to the continuing brutality by men of women.

Yours faithfully,
Ralph Ramkarran