How much does Bartica Channel 5 have to pay to show cricket, and how much does NCN charge?

Dear Editor,

We the cricket fans have to ‘sponsor’ cricket on the Bartica TV station, Channel 5 before we can see it. We will see on the TV that sponsorship is needed to air the cricket as well as some other programmes, and the notice may say how much. The question is how much does our local TV station have to pay, and how much does NCN charge per game or for the series?

The names of the sponsors are shown on the screen at intervals (along with other paid advertisements) but not how much they paid. Sometimes when the amount needed is not achieved, then we will see only part of a game.

The Football World Cup will start in the next few days; please NCN, let us know how much we will have to pay per game or for the series.

Yours faithfully,
(Name and address provided)