Attack on Christopher Ram condemned

Dear Editor,

I write in condemnation of the coordinated attack being waged against Mr Christopher Ram and his children on the liveinguyanablogspot, in the letter columns of the state media, the Guyana Chronicle and a paper friendly to the government.

I find the attack on his children particularly offensive and a form of mental molestation. With each such degenerative act that unfolds, the society wonders ‘how much lower can we go as a nation?’ I say much lower unless Guyanese, and particularly the supporters of this administration awaken to the realization that ‘we are our brother’s keeper’ and ought to ‘do unto each other that which we would have them do to us.’

I see a sinister objective behind the verbal attacks on Mr Ram, the act of throwing ‘miasma’ on Mr Kissoon and disfiguring acid on persons.

I believe they are intended to reinforce the fear factor already paralysing our society and deterring social and political activism.  These acts and others which are derived from maladministration, injustice, corruption, racism, etc, are being allowed to gain traction in the society for the purpose of sending, far and wide, a message of intolerance of opposing voices.

It would appear that acolytes of this government have begun to get ‘upfront’ and ‘personal’ with opposition forces and have indeed targeted Indian oppositionist forces for special treatment. First they came after our own Khemraj Ramjattan, Chairman of the AFC and his family, who have had to endure frequent death threats over the years and accusations of betrayal of his race. This has not deterred Khemraj Ramjattan and neither would the attack on Freddie Kissoon or on Christopher Ram deter their activism. However, what these acts have done is send the clear signal that the fear spawned in this society on perceived enemies of ‘the powers that be’ has begun to prey on its perpetrators.

My duty as a representative of the people is to remind the Guyanese society in general and supporters of this government in particular, of the consequence of remaining silent in the face of such wrongdoings. Today they targeted Christopher Ram, yesterday it was Freddie Kissoon, and frequently it is Khemraj Ramjattan.

Yours faithfully,
Sheila Holder