Contractors who do faulty work for the government should be disciplined

Dear Editor,

We on the Essequibo Coast and the Pomeroon have suffered on several occasions from faulty construction work done for the government by contractors, including bridges, roads, streets, schools, hospitals and sluices, to name a few.

It is time some drastic action was taken to discipline those individuals and companies who do the works for a big profit but do not supply quality.

The wharf at Good Hope is a slap in the face for Essequibians, and I wait to see who will be disciplined for that very important piece of work for our region. It is time people were each other’s keepers and started looking over works being done in their villages by contractors so as to make sure there is value for money.

Wrongdoing must be exposed at all levels.

Yours faithfully,
Andrieko Basir