We need restaurants which prepare food for the health conscious

Dear Editor,

In these modern times both government and non-governmental agencies have been stressing the need for healthy eating and living because of the wide variety of ailments from which people suffer, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol,  kidney and gall stones and many more.

The old adage states that a healthy mind can be found in a healthy body. Within recent times there have been other sayings such as: we are what we eat; and we must aim to eat right, meaning we need a mixed diet with proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and the works. We are urged to avoid a lot of fatty and oily foods, excessive sugar and salt and other harmful substances. However, there seems to be need for an intense country-wide education campaign.

One of the constraints to healthy eating is said to be unaffordability, as many claim their income is too small. There is also the complaint that our greens and vegetables are grown in too much fertilizer.

However, there is need for improved methods of cooking both at home and in restaurants where many Guyanese eat most of the week. There is too much fried food which involves the use of too much oil. This can be bad for some persons who have complaints such as stones or high cholesterol. There is need for more steamed foods like greens and vegetables, and baked foods like fish and chicken. Even then there should not be the additions of cheese sauce, hot pepper and other spicy ingredients. Brown rice is more nutritious than white rice, which has had a great upsurge in popularity.

My ideas are subject to disagreement, and this is to be expected. It is hoped that some entrepreneurs would start a business which prepares suitable food for persons who may have serious health problems or are on medication, as well as those who are health conscious.

Yours faithfully,
Malcolm Clarke