Still waiting for review from NIS

Dear Editor,
I worked with the Guysuco, Blairmont Estate as a mechanic for over 37 years. I came out on pension on December 29, 2007, but I am not receiving the right amount of money monthly.

Three months before I retired I informed the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) and they issued a letter to me stating all the contributions that I had made.

Based on calculations from an NIS inspector before my retirement I was told that I was entitled to $65,000. However, I only got $44,000 with an increase in 2008 and again in 2010, and now I am getting about $49,000.

The NIS is using the last five years of my earnings (three years that I earned the most), to calculate how much to pay. I am disputing their figure because they did not use the right amount to do the calculations.

I got my first payment around November 1, 2008, and when I realized what had happened I  appealed a few days later. The officials made some checks and promised me a review. From then until this date I cannot get through with the review. I made several checks about it with a Mr Thomas, the Assistant General Manager at Brickdam. He took the information that I gave him and promised that on the expiration of my book in May 2009 I would receive the difference in the review.

He accepted that the amount I was receiving was wrong, but the review has not materialized up to now.  About two months ago I tried to meet the General Manager, Ms Doreen Nelson, but I could not get to see her. I came home and made a phone call to her and she gave me the number of the Pension Manager, who said she had not received any information from Berbice in relation to the review. However, I had received a letter dated some time in January 2010 from Mr Patterson, the Area 1 manager, stating that all the relevant information had already been sent down to Georgetown.

I would be very happy if my matter could be dealt with fast, because after all, I worked hard and paid my pension contributions and now it is time for me to enjoy the right amount of money to which I am entitled.
I would also like to know if the NIS would review my money or if they would take me to the appeal board.

Yours faithfully,
Hookumchand Khemkarran