Designer Trevor Rose shot at by gunmen during $2.5M robbery

Popular designer Trevor Rose was the victim of armed robbed robbery last evening, mere hours after launching costumes for the Banks DIH Mash Band at the Burnham Basketball Court.

The robbery occurred some time after 9pm. Rose said two gunmen relieved him of $2.5M, which he had in a haversack. A visibly shaken Rose related that the unmasked men walked up to him and demanded his bag. After he refused to hand the bag over, one of the men pointed a handgun to his stomach.

Rose said he side stepped the pointed gun and the bandits discharged three shots in his direction, before making their way to an awaiting car in front of the Oasis Cafe. Rose described the car as a red Toyota 212.

Trevor Rose

When persons working in the mash camp attempted to run after the bandits, they were also shot at. No one was injured.

Rose, who is designing both the Banks DIH and the Guyana Power and Light costumes at the location, had only hours before present the Banks costume to a small crowd.

By the time the robbery occurred, the crowd had already thinned out and it was just the persons working on the costumes.

One eyewitness stated that she and several others were inside a tent “busy cutting, and pasting and preparing the costumes.” Rose, she noted, was seated just outside the tent. He related that he had just sat down to eat.

The woman said that they did not see the men approach but heard three gunshots as the men scuffled. Police later arrived to investigate.

Rose said he suspected that someone must have known that he was carrying around the money and mentioned it or that he was being tailed. While he stated that the loss came as “a little setback,” he said he would complete the costumes that he was working on. Rose and his team had been working at the Burnham Court for nine days.