Bajan pizza business closing two outlets

(Barbados Nation) Businessman Gray “Doc” Brome is closing down two of his Pizza Man Doc outlets. At monthend, operations will cease at Satjay Mall, Victoria Street, The City, and at One Accord Plaza, Warrens, St Michael.

Brome, familiarly referred to as “Pizza Man Doc” said the economic recession had triggered a serious depletion of sales, which had forced him to take the decision that would put about 20 workers on the breadline.

“Sales have dropped significantly and the increase in raw materials has been constant month after month. The cost to produce our quality product in one year has about doubled, and it is getting worse,” Brome told the MIDWEEK NATION yesterday.

Brome, who operates nine pizza outlets across the island, said that if the current economic climate continued to affect business, it could mean closing more outlets.