110 English, Math teachers complete NCERD training

The Ministry of Education says 110 English and Mathematics teachers at poor performing secondary schools countrywide recently completed a week-long training session.

The National Centre of Educational Resource Development (NCERD) hosted the programme as part of its ongoing programme to boost teachers’ competency, a press release said. The initiative aimed at improving the content base of fifth form English and Maths teachers as well as to equip them with strategies to improve students’ learning outcomes.

The Mathematics programme was delivered by subject specialists Mohandatt Goolsarran, Joseph McKenzie, Krishna Prashad and Peter Wintz while Bibi Ali, Ingrid Fung, Rajkumarie Singh, Praikhan Ram and Sandra Persaud imparted the English programme.

In addition to the training, NCERD also distributed CDs with complete lessons in English A and Mathematics at the CSEC level to all schools. NCERD resource personnel have been assigned to work with schools that need assistance in these two subject areas and head teachers have been asked to allocate more time to these two subjects at the fifth form level.  The ministry said student performance in English A at the CSEC exams has been improving while Mathematics has had a fluctuating trend.