The young people of Egypt have shown the way to end despotic regimes

Dear Editor,

I am very happy that the young people of Egypt have shown the way to end the rule of autocratic, despotic regimes. The events of the last couple weeks in Egypt have shown the world that it is  still possible to make revolution through peaceful and non-violent action. The people of Egypt and the young of all ages, all classes, all religions, all colours, educated and uneducated, professionals and laymen, preachers and aetheists, men and women with and without head coverings, came together in their millions to express their anger against thirty years of dictatorial rule – dictatorial rule which raped the country and people of their dignity, their sense of morality and human decency, their wealth, their human right to equality, and their right to decide to choose their leaders. The revolution was a celebration by people who began to feel their own power again, began to believe again and began to recognize themselves; and as they began to recognize themselves they began to see the possibility of change. Change which is now underway.

Change after a dictatorship is not easy. The society is now embarking on that long path. The people of Egypt need support and solidarity. What they don’t need is second guessing. The people will sort themselves out as the future unfolds. What they need is respect not only for their human dignity – the basis of their protest – but respect as they move forward for their right to determine the way forward as they work to create institutions that work. The path forward to smash the police state and the dictatorial apparatus of such a state organized

to suck the life from the society will not be an easy task. In the coming days, months and years the success of this revolution will be judged on its ability to dismantle the corrupt apparatus of the dictatorial state. If this happens, a new day will dawn in Egypt.

Yours faithfully,
Wazir Mohamed