The transfer of the Amaila project to Sithe Global should be welcomed

Dear Editor,

When the government stated that Mr Fip Motilall’s company was given the contract for the Amaila Hydro Project, there was much objection from the diaspora, mainly because it was felt that the company did not have the requisite experience for such a large undertaking.

Therefore, the news that this project was transferred to another company, Sithe Global, should be welcomed by those genuinely interested in the success of this project. It is hoped that similar scrutiny is given to this new company as was done with Mr Motilall’s company.

I have watched the almost fanatical obsession that people/groups of authority, mainly the two daily newspapers KN and SN and some other high-profile citizens, have had over this Amaila project and sometimes wondered if this intense scrutiny was for the benefit of the project or simply to cheapen a government-approved development project.

As this project continues under a different leadership, the onus is on those same people/groups of authority to continue to closely observe the project and report the facts, from the capability of this new company to its adherence to deadlines and costs.

Mr Fip Motiall has been highly criticised in relation to a number of issues over the Amaila Hydro Project, but it is hoped that some time in the future he would be given credit for being the pioneer in this project which, if/when it comes on stream would be a major benefit to the development of our country.

Indeed, as our Prime Minister has stated, Mr Motilall has invested much time and money in this venture and should be compensated.

While many view this transfer with suspicion, we should breathe a sigh of relief that this was probably the right decision in the interest of the project.

Also, such transfers are nothing new and are commonplace wherever there is free market enterprise.

Yours faithfully,
E Fredericks