Why not provide dustbins instead of billboards?

Dear Editor,

In Guyana, election campaigns are in full heat, and Guyanese must ‘Beware, the vultures are here.” There are promises of good and better things to come and what they are going to do for us; large and small billboards and flyers with names and faces; and millions of dollars invested in their quest for power and leadership. There is a promise of the tax threshold being increased and two thousand jobs for bauxite workers. Promises, promises, promises. There’s an old saying, ‘A promise is comfort to a fool.’ It’s my opinion that politicians run a government, but business people run a country.

I am a Lindener; with all the political parties holding meetings all over, Linden is still filled with garbage and underemployment. I’m aware people have gone dirty and untidy, throwing stuff anywhere they see it fit. I appeal on behalf of the citizens of Linden to the AFC, APNU, PPP and all other political parties, that the least they could do for us for a start is to provide dustbins around our town. After all, a dustbin is far, far cheaper than a billboard, transportation, entertainment, posters, etc, etc, etc.

Linden is a town in the heart of the jungle. All the politicians said it’s important to the development of Guyana. Our people need more and better things in order to keep our children close to home. We all know, a promise is not a commitment. It is proven that some things are unchangeable irrespective of who is in power.

Yours faithfully,
B Winslow Parris