Kwakwani needs community leaders

Dear Editor,

It can really pain your stomach when you hear former residents of Kwakwani complain about the state of the community. These persons are also willing to make contributions to improve on almost any area that shows signs of making progress.

Kwakwani has almost all the facilities at its disposal to look better except the leaders in the right place doing the right things.

The results of the 2011 General Election are a blessing for even the regional

representatives of political parties in the community to work together. For the first time in the history of regional elections, Kwakwani has three representatives, one from each of the parties with one being the Regional Vice Chairman. So the community is expected to be properly represented at the regional level.

What is terribly lacking is representation at the community level, where community leaders can engage stakeholders in meaningful discussion without bullying and threats.

Last Friday, a protest against the bauxite company was planned due to the exceedingly poor condition of the community roads. Why should the residents of Kwakwani be protesting against the bauxite company for poor roads in 2012 when there was a similar protest in 2005, where the company opened a door for community leaders to have discussion with the management on community development and offered financial assistance?

As was found out, the company only ceased giving the financial assistance after the leaders could not show accountability after nearly four years and approximately five million dollars given. Can we truly target the bauxite company?

Kwakwani residents should start questioning their leaders before rushing to protest. Let meaningful dialogue take place before arriving at a conclusion. Ole people does say “there is more in the martah than the pissle”.

Your faithfully,
Jocelyn Morian