The Charity Police Station needs to be made secure

Dear Editor,

This is my final call for immediate action. For a number of years I have being calling for the Charity Police Station to be properly secured. Do we have to wait for some major crime before measures are taken? The police station is sandwiched between illegal stalls, thus obscuring the ranks’ view of the mighty Pomeroon River. The river is situated alongside the police station,  approximately fifty feet away.

Also a look-out hut should be built to oversee the river front on busy days, especially market days. Charity is on the move with the eruption of many booming businesses, and the security of the waterfront area needs urgent attention. The Customs boathouse and office is also compromised with many shabby businesses around the area. GRA needs to step in and make its voice be heard. Let’s not wait for something to happen and then make changes. I am foreseeing a bright town in the making, and I wish our leaders could think in the same way as we as citizens do.

Yours faithfully,
A Basir