A case of technical ‘eyepass’

Dear Editor,

The statement by the source at the Guyana National Broadcast Authority (GNBA) in your Nov 29 issue that “once it could be verified that there is interference at Channel 6 the GNBA will move to investigate“ reveals their incompetence. All they have to do is look at Channel 6 on three different TV sets and see the horizontal lines that are ruining the Channel.

As for the unspeakable National Frequency Management Unit (NFMU), their eyepass of Guyanese knows no bounds.

If they were actually doing management (instead of sharing out favours?) they would not “have to address the matter.“ They are supposed to know up front what would happen when frequencies are too close; it shows up as electromagnetic beats for all to see on the Channel 6 picture. They don’t even have to hire specialist communication engineers. Any physicist that UG used to produce (but no longer does because of the closure of that degree programme) could have interpreted what was happening.

But then again, the government evidently does not really want too many qualified people about (as, for example, in a recognised local association of professional engineers) so that they can get away with technical eyepass.

Yours faithfully,
Alfred Bhulai