Repairs start on house damaged by drunk ‘Santa’

A week after the front of Savitri Persaud’s Goed Fortuin home was destroyed when a vehicle crashed into it, the owner of the vehicle, has begun to make amends by repairing the damage.

On December 16, a Sunday afternoon, Savitri Persaud and her son Brian were talking on their front steps when a vehicle, PPP 8105, crashed into their home.

Her son Brian was thrown off the steps and landed into a nearby tank. Savitri also sustained minor injuries about her body.

Savitri said that the driver of the vehicle, known only as ‘Santa’ was revving the car and driving back and forth while she and her son were talking and then suddenly she saw the car speeding into her yard.

She said the driver of the vehicle was so intoxicated that he couldn’t even stand. She said the man was employed by an auto sales company.

Persaud son’s Andy told Stabroek News that the owner of auto sales company, who owned the vehicle his employee was driving, approached his mother to settle the matter and she agreed.

The employer had earlier said he would be willing to repair the home if his employee signed a document.

Andy said that the owner had since reconstructed their staircase and rebuilt a wall that was destroyed. He said the man was still to paint the stairs but they were pleased that he had stuck to his word.