A country of six peoples divided by politics?

Dear Editor,
The dictionary defines Patriotism “As a love for one’s country” but I doubt whether most Guyanese can subscribe to that kind of feeling  since we tend to have more allegiance for the political party of our choice than  to put country first. There are several reasons for this position but first I believe that unlike countries with a history of having fought for  their independence patriotism does not come naturally. A case in point is Great Britain with its Monarchy rule and two world wars including  also other European countries; but with the influx of immigrants and young folks there is a weakening of that spirit. Look at the recent disturbances in London and Greece with the reaction to the austerity measures. In the U.S.A the pride is there and was increased with the attack of 9/11 yet we see Occupy Wall street and by the young folks who are demanding more changes. The current “Sequester” situation in the U.S.A speaks to the subject as the people feel the effects of the political divide.

In Guyana our history is more of Colonial rule and education after the abolition of slavery and indentureship. There is hardly anything much to be gleaned from the past especially those of us who had  a Colonial education. Kofy’s statue which was put up by the Burnham administration was hardly respected. What legacy would Guyanese  leave for those to come? A country of six peoples but not united instead divided by politics. If we could re-write history I would like for us to be remembered as a people of great hidden talent, very warm, but robbed of our birthright.
Yours faithfully,