There is more that unites us as a people than we take credit for

Dear Editor,

As we celebrate the festive season of Christmas and the New Year, it is important that we reflect on how far we have advanced as a nation in terms of the pursuit of our national motto of ‘One People, One Nation, One Destiny.’

There can be no doubt that despite our ethnic and cultural make-up, we have managed to forge a cohesive society in which there is respect for, and appreciation of, our diversity. This is reflected in the way we live our lives and the manner in which we relate to religious and national festivals and celebrations.

We have all benefited from our diversity in so many ways. The pepperpot is now an integral part of our Christmas menu. The same is true of ham and bacon along with garlic pork, which is in great demand at this time of the year. And no Christmas dish is complete without some sponge cake and a glass of wine.

The point I am seeking to make is that there is much more that unites us as a people than we sometimes take credit for. I have always maintained that we are a peaceful and cohesive society.

There is religious and cultural tolerance unlike what happens in some other societies where people are persecuted for their religious beliefs and political affiliation.

At the political level there is multi-party democracy where political parties are allowed to participate in free and fair elections. There is freedom of expression and freedom of the press.

The rule of law is the basis of rule.  In short, we have every reason to celebrate and to be optimistic.

There are challenges that we still have to confront, but with the right attitude there is no reason why we cannot overcome and move forward.

As someone once said what is needed is not the power to achieve but the will to conquer.

Let us all put our shoulders to the wheel and together we shall overcome. There is no place for parochial thinking and petty minds. Let us think big.

Let us think Guyana. Let us work together to realize the Guyanese dream of one people, one nation with a common destiny.

 Yours faithfully,

Hydar Ally