A showy vine

Over the last few weeks I have been writing about fungus and pests.  You should be well aware of these pests and how they affect your plants.  Other dangerous pests to lookout for are red spider mites, scale insects, thrips and whiteflies.

 Bleeding heart

Clerodendrum thomsoniae commonly called Bleeding heart originated from tropical West Africa.

Garden (Peggy Chin)The Bleeding heart vine/shrub has deep green ovate glossy leaves and showy, attractive flowers in clusters which flower all year round.  The inflated calyx is pure white and the corolla deep red to crimson.  This pleasing shrub or climbing plant needs to be pruned or trained to a support.  A trellis or the ready made plastic lattice frame works well for this.  Plant against a wall for best showy advantage.

Plant Bleeding heart in full sun in well-drained potting soil and fertilize with Miracle Gro Plant Food every two weeks.  In the dry season, water daily.  It can be grown from cuttings.

Until next week, happy gardening!