Is there a plan for Area Q, Turkeyen roads?

Dear Editor,

I am a resident of Area Q, Turkeyen; a community that is contiguous to the Caricom Secretariat and located to the west of the University of Guyana access road, south of the Railway Embankment Road.

Editor, several residents in my community have written within recent times about the deplorable state of the roads in the community that has about 70-odd houses to no avail. The government and authorities responsible for road repairs have just turned a blind eye and deaf ear to the plight of the residents. The roads are not spared of numerous craters, which during the rainy spells render the roads almost inaccessible.

The roads have been in this condition for years now, with efforts neither by the Georgetown City Council nor the central government to provide any relief to the residents. Often, comments have been made by government officials that residents from the community are among the more affluent in middle class society and that residents should have the roads repaired at their expense, but what is amazing about these same officials is that they remain mute about the ongoing repairs to the roads by the Ministry of Works in Pradoville 1 where the more affluent in the upper class lives. The roads here have been resurfaced with thick asphalt three times in the past two years; the last being two months ago.

Editor, the residents have no hope that roads in the community would be repaired. Earlier this year, around February, there was hope when some workers from a contracting company began measuring the roads and placed wooden markers, but that hope was short-lived because since then no one ever visited. We hope that someone in authority will respond to this letter and advise the residents if there is any plan in the near future to have the roads in the community fixed.

 Yours faithfully,

Amitabh S. Singh